Our Sustainability Pledge

Together we can create a healthy environment where ​the hospitality community and the world can flourish.

Questex is committed to creating sustainable, healthy spaces that make a positive impact on the communities we touch. We have joined the Net Zero Carbon Event initiative alongside our vendor partners and colleagues in the commitment to be Net Zero by 2050. To support this goal we have joined the ISLA membership association focused on event sustainability and we will implement their TRACE tool to measure and reduce carbon emissions associated with this year's event.

View our attendee sustainability tips >

View our exhibitor sustainability tips > 


Our commitment to the Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative for which we strive includes:

Achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 across all business operations
Reduce GHG emissions by 50% by 2030 in line with the Paris Agreement
Collaborate with partners, suppliers and customers to drive change across the value chain
Measure and track
Measure and track
Begin to measure and track Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions according to industry best practice
Report on progress at least every two years

What we accomplished in 2023:

Trees Planted
Tonnes of Carbon Removed
Hygiene Kits Built with Clean the World
Electricity from Renewable Sources
Waste Properly Sorted & Recycled

Event Production

  • Reduced carpet: majority of aisles will be uncarpeted, all carpet at event will be reused

  • No on-site print guide: all attendees will have access to the event mobile app for information and networking

  • Approximately 95% of onsite graphics will be recycled or reused

  • Event Materials will be donated to local charities where possible


  • Event lights will be reduced to 50% during move in

  • LED lighting has been installed throughout the Expo and meeting rooms and approximately 90% of the property



Food Waste 

  • Single use water bottles will not be provided. Water stations will be available throughout the venue.

  • All food waste is donated to charities, when possible, or is sent to a local farm to be composted or used as pig feed 

  • Plant based options will be available at all coffee stations and meals 

  • Reusable or compostable glasses, dishes & utensils will be used rather than disposable options  

Travel and Transportation

  • Travel information is being collected via our registration system in order to estimate Carbon Emissions

  • We have partnered with Isla & Earthly to offer a Carbon Offset Donation option through the event registration page, allowing attendees to offset their carbon emissions for travel. Donations will benefit the TIST Agroforestry Project

AHLA Responsible Stay

Across the country, America’s hotels are working to provide employees, guests, and communities a responsible stay. AHLA has united our industry around a commitment to strengthening sustainability initiatives focused on energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, and responsible sourcing.

ahla responsible